Teachers, practitioners and experience designers of all kinds are welcome to host events during Spirituality Week, leveraging the festival calendar as an easy way to get in front of millions. The following are a few examples of what we love to see the community create:
Meditation + breathwork classes, sound baths, etc
Intimate dinner engagements with a facilitator & topic
Open mics for monologues and sharing circles for dialogues
Nature bathing excursions in the city’s parks
Premium half / full / multi-day workshops
Music & performing arts experiences
Interest specific conferences (e.g. Conscious Capitalism, Psychedelics)
The stage is yours. Host something new or something you’ve done in the past. You’re responsible for all your own ticketing and logistics. And don’t worry if it’s a draft idea at the moment.
Please submit as detailed a concept / program as you can. There’s plenty of time to work on it - and the sooner you do the sooner we can help you.